It's been a while! My computer sort of imploded, hence the update-less week. Yesterday, one of the workers and I went to an opening celebration for a local Pet Valu. We brought a bunch of pamphlets and a few animals - Time Machine & Tardis the budgies, Minx the gerbil, Minerva my foster hamster and Woody the rabbit.
This was our table - as you can see it, it was completely in the sun. We were a little worried about Woody getting overheated.
It wasn't an issue with the birds or Minx the gerbil though - they had a fantastic time outside! I've never seen Minx so happy, or the birds so relaxed. Time Machine and Tardis both spent the whole time sunbathing, they looked very content. I wonder if they were porch birds before their house was set on fire.
That's Minerva up there, who had a great time exploring everywhere including our catalogue of adoptable animals. While the others had a great time in the sun, we were worried that Woody would get too hot, and so Nicola came up with a brilliant idea that we must patent.
Presenting - the Rabbit Thermoregulation System! It was damp with cool water and it worked like a charm. Also, it was totally hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing at his disgruntled face.
"Why are you doing this to me?"
I will say that these events are a great way to get to know a bunny's personality. Woody's a great little guy that I didn't know that well before. Unfortunately we didn't have any adoptions at the event, but as Nicola correctly pointed out, it's more about making connections with the store and community. And it sounds like some really good things could come from a long-term connection to this store, so fingers crossed!
LOL! Excellent photos! Thanks for all of your help yesterday - so appreciated :)
Cute bunny babushka!
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