On Tuesday, Nicola and I went back to the CityTV studios for another attempt at appearing on Animal House Calls - and this time we succeeded!
Since Topaz had been adopted, we brought different bunnies to get their chance in the limelight - Indigo the Rex, and our long-term foster, Poe. Indigo didn't really need the exposure, but Poe needs any extra attention he can get - of course, Indigo showed off better!
Look, there's one of my photos on TV!
It was all very interesting. Many thanks to Ann Rohmer and the team at Animal House Calls for having us and being so kind. Their coverage was very complimentary! I especially liked the tagline along the bottom before our segment: "How One Woman's Efforts Improved Adoption Numbers 200%". It makes it all sound very dramatic.
There's Indigo in the break room, being as cute as can be. I'm very happy to say that he's already been adopted, although not, as far as I know, because of his TV star status. Probably more because of his Rex/super-nice-bunny status.
And there's my little problem child, Poe, of whom I am growing much too fond. They were both very well behaved on screen, although Poe clung to me rather than face the cameras most of the time.
And there's everyone! It was a neat experience. I've somehow ended up on TV a few times now, but this was the first time I was specifically on to be interviewed. I think I did okay - helps to have a pro like Nicola alongside. And hey, I can talk about small animals until I'm blue on the face. Just get me started and I'll talk for hours!
One thing that made me laugh was that the show really wanted to emphasize this blog. Before the show started, Ann was saying I should mention the blog, since she thought it had made the most difference in adoption numbers. In reality, while it was my first "extracurricular" shelter activity, this blog has probably made the least amount of impact on the shelter itself. My photos and bios, the Facebook page, and setting up the small animal foster network - those all made way more of a difference. The blog is really for me - it's a rant outlet, and a place where, unlike the Facebook page, I can be negative or unprofessional.
TAS has been really pushing the volunteer angle lately, and I think that's fantastic. But this particular appearance was really great because it showed that volunteers are important for the small animals, too. Most pamphlets and ads only discuss cat cuddling and dog walking, but hopefully this interview helped inform some people that small animals need love too! I do realize I am preaching to the choir since this entire blog is all about small animal volunteering, but ah well. And, of course, it never hurts to remind people that we need foster homes.
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