I don't blame you if you don't, I had to go waaaaay back to find a blog entry about them. They were in the shelter for over a month, in a truly ugly cage that we are now going to throw out since they're gone. We named them Tom and Jerry, although they later turned out to be girls. They took up a lot of space (the Room is not very big after all), and even though they were super friendly, we were having a lot of trouble finding them a home.
Well, at the end of August, they were adopted to a wonderful family. Soon after, they sent me this fantastic update. These are the kinds of updates that just make me grin to read them!
Hello Laura,
We read your biography of "Tom and Jerry" at the South office and promised the staff to write to you to tell you how the chinchillas are doing now that they have a forever home.
My husband and I like to browse on the Toronto Animal Services adoption page online, as many of the pets we've had in the past have come from the shelter. We were delighted to see that two chinchillas were available. We phoned immediately and arranged to pick them up the next day. We woke up early to get there before the Ex opened (and to ensure no one adopted them before us! We were surprised they had been awaiting a new home since July).
The girls are such a welcome addition to our family. Chinchillas are hypoallergenic, so my son is able to be around them without itching or swelling up. My husband absolutely adores them. At first, we wondered how we would tell them apart but their antics distinguish them. Chilli is shyer and more mellow whereas Chita (aka Pepper) is the more active of the pair and climbs higher and bathes in her dust with more vigor. When we give them their daily exercise, they love to climb the stairs, run on us (just like you said in your description) and even leap against the wall. I'm also so glad that they came together - we give them lots of attention, but they also love to be with each other and will cuddle each other up like two little lovebirds.
It's obvious the staff at Toronto Animal Services South and their volunteers really care. Thanks again for helping them find a new home. Attached is a picture of the two of them.
We talk a lot at the shelter about 'upgrades'. An adoptive home may not be perfect, but is it an upgrade from their last home?
Considering their last home dumped them in a parking lot, and their new home is clearly treating them like queens, I'd say Chita and Chilli definitely got an upgrade!
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